IEPE standard for electronic accelerometers ensures compatibility with equipment of other manufacturers. The abbreviation IEPE means “Integrated Electronics Piezo Electric”. Integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE) accelerometers are a class of piezoelectric accelerometers that usually incorporate an electronic amplifier and use a single two-pole coaxial connector for both power input and signal output. The devices are also known by proprietary names such as integrated circuit piezoelectric sensor (ICP®) , CCLD, Isotron®, Deltatron®, Piezotron® etc.
Compared with earlier sensor interface systems requiring a charge-sensitive preamplifier external to the sensor, the use of a single coaxial connector with integrated electronics gives IEPE devices their main advantages: small size, light weight, robustness and low cabling costs. Microphones and other vibration sensors are also made using an IEPE-compatible interface.
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